
構成・演出|相模友士郎 出演:佐藤健大郎
Concept, Director : Yujiro Sagami Performer : Kentaro Sato



This production treats a personal belongings provided by audience as a choreography. And, it is an interactive dance piece that a choreography in real time generates.
Usually, our life is surrounded by various tools. However, when we rethink relationships of the tool and us again, It can be think that our behavior are limited by "Navigation of the tools” (the function and the character of the tools), and choreographed.
When a choreography is considered as an navigation to move the person, Is the person dancing who moves by the navigation of the car navigation system? Is the person dancing who writes letters by the pen? 
If it isn't the dance. What is choreography? What is dance? 
Such recognition as the starting point, we create stage that restructure the relationship between body and tools.
“The comparison we must make is not between the city dweller and the wild animal, but between the city-dweller and the captive animal. The modern human animal is no longer living in conditions natural for his species. Trapped, not by a zoo collector, but by his own brainy brilliance, he has set himself up in a huge, restless menagerie where he is in constant danger of cracking under the strain.” THE HUMAN ZOO ‒ Desmond Morris 
This Desmond Morris's text suggests that we are self-domesticated. The self- domesticated is choreography which we conducted to us. This choreography can be discovered by various scenes in daily life. When we see the bicycle, we know how to use the bicycle. When we see the pen, we know how to use it. And, when we use them, we are being choreographed by the function that they afford. 
It is called affordance. Can we escape from affordance? We escape from the dance(Meaning and Value) afforded(choreographed) by us, can discover an actual dance(Naked human)? 
"Navigations" is a process to restructure the relation between the dance and choreography, and to discover the dance of naked human.

2016年3月20日(日/SUN)15:00- / 19:00-
       21日(月/MON)13:00- / 17:00-★

※受付開始・開場は開演の30分前です。 ※開演5分前を過ぎますと予約がキャンセルになる場合がございます。
★終演後アフタートークあり。[アフタートークゲスト]21日17:00- 加納俊輔(美術家)

加納俊輔(Shunsuke Kano)
1983年大阪生まれ。2010年京都嵯峨芸術大学大学院芸術研究科修了。主なグループ展に、『これからの写真』(愛知県美術館)、『shiseido art egg|ジェンガと噴水』(資生堂ギャラリー)、『加納俊輔・高橋耕平展「パズルと反芻」』(island MEDIUM、NADiff window gallery、実家|JIKKA)、『第15回岡本太郎現代芸術賞展』(川崎市岡本太郎美術館)等。現在、京都在住。

Additional performances
Performance of "NAVIGATIONS" for the parents and children. 2016.3.19(sat)13:00-

上演時間は80分、泣こうが、わめこうがどんと来いです。 皆さんお誘い合わせの上、お散歩がてらどうぞ。

会場:元・立誠小学校 音楽室

元・立誠小学校/Former Rissei Elementary School
(〒604-8023 京都市中京区蛸薬師通河原町東入備前島町310-2)

◯阪急京都線「河原町駅」1 番出口から北に徒歩3分 ◯京阪線「祇園四条駅」4・5 番出口から北西方向に徒歩5分
※会場に駐輪・駐車スペースはございません。ご了承ください。 ※近隣の市営駐輪場をご利用ください。

◯前売2,300円 ◯当日2,500円(全席自由)
◯Adv. ¥2,300 ◯Day ¥2,500 

【チケット取り扱い・お問い合わせ/Tickets, Inquiry】
◯Mail…sagami.info@gmail.com ◯Tel…090-1586-3821(カワセ)

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相模友士郎/Yujiro Sagami 1982年福井生まれ。演出家。京都在住。2004年から舞台制作を始め、2009年に伊丹に住む70歳以上の市民との共同制作舞台『ドラマソロジー/DRAMATHOLOGY』を発表し、翌年フェスティバル / トーキョー10に正式招聘される。2012年に『天使論』をTPAM in YOKOHAMA2012にて発表。『天使論』は各地で再演され、2015年、TPAM in YOKOHAMA 2015にてタイのダンサー(Kornkarn Rungsawang from Picket Klunchun Dance Company)とのコラボレーション作品として再演。その他の作品に『中平卓馬/見続ける涯に火が…』(2011) 、『先制のイメージ』(2012)、『それはかつてあった』(2013)、『ナビゲーションズ』(2014) など。最新作はからだと意識の関係を空間にトレースする『リアクション』(2015)。

Born in 1982. A director. Kyoto-based. He began to work on performing arts in 2004, and in collaboration with Itami City residents over 70 years old, he presented “DRAMATHOLOGY” (2009), which was featured at Festival/Tokyo 10 next year. He has collaborated with 17 of Fukui citizens whose ages range from 17-74 in some previous works such as “It used to be there” (2014). He also directed “Takuma Nakahira, Image with a head start” (2011, Festival/Tokyo11), and “about ANGELS” (2012, TPAM in YOKOHAMA2012). In 2015, “about ANGELS” was restaged at TPAM in YOKOHAMA 2015 as collaboration work with Thai Dancer(Kornkarn Rungsawang from Picket Klunchun Dance Company). His latest production is “Navigations” (2014) in which he tries to reconstruct the relationship between body and its surroundings. http://www.sagami-endo.com/

佐藤健大郎/Kentaro Sato |1978年生まれ。兵庫県出身、京都市在住。ダンサー、振付家。大学卒業後ダンスを始める。 2004年迄ヤザキタケシ+A.D.Cに参加。フリーになり、砂連尾理,山田せつ子、日野晃氏の作品に出演、協同作業する。 ソロ作品「犬」(2007)「ミューザー」(2010) 。 森川弘和とのduet「conductor」(2012) 、David Wampachとの「FIRST SHOW」(2013) がある。 女性トリオ『筒状の白いsara」(2014) を発表する。 また、7人のダンサーが集まり90分で一つの作品を立ち上げるプロセスを公開する、「東山ダンスヤード」(2013) を企画。2005年から東山青少年活動センターにて『ココロからだンスWS』、2010年から身障者を対象とした『湖北身体WS』のナビゲーターを務めている。

Born in Himeji in1978. He residents in Kyoto. He began a dance from 2000. Before becoming a freelance. He was a member of the Takeshi Yazaki +A.D.C until 2004, and work with Osamu Jareo ,Setsuko Yamada, Akira Hino as a dancer. He created solo "dog" (2007) "muser" (2010). Duet "conductor" (2012) with Hirokazu Morikawa. A choreographic movie "FIRST SHOW" (2013) with David Wampach,Christian Merlhiot. "works 1"(2013) with Madoka Noda. woman trio "pipe-formed white dish" (2014). Parallel to his work "Higashiyama dance yard" (2013) to show a process that seven dancers gather and creates the piece in 90 minutes. "KOKOLOkaradaNCE W.S" Higashiyama Young People Activity Center from 2005 ."Kohoku Shintai W.S"for people with a physical disability from 2007 acts as a navigator. Also Choreography for the theater company.

舞台監督|竹ち代毬也 制作|川瀬亜衣
共催|立誠・文化のまち運営員会 協力|シバイエンジン