演出|相模友士郎 出演|佐藤健大郎、白井剛
ドラマトゥルク|山田咲 照明|高原文江 音響|西川文章 舞台監督|夏目雅也
Yujiro Sagami / Kentaro Sato / Tsuyoshi Shirai
Conceived and Directed by Yujiro Sagami
Dramaturge|Saki Yamada Lighting|Fumie Takahara Sound|Bunsyo Nishikawa Stage Manager|Masaya Natsume

エイリアネイション(alienation)という言葉には遠ざけること、疎外、疎外感という意味以外に譲渡という意味があるようで、エイリアンズとは何たちなのかという問いに「譲渡」という言葉は一つの道筋を与えてくれるように思う。そして前回制作した、植物たちによる無人の演劇作品『LOVE SONGS』に向けて書いた演出ノートを度々思い出す。
Although the word "alienation" has several meanings, including to keep something at a distance, or either to be or feel estranged, it also seems to have the meaning of handing something over. This meaning “to hand something over” suggests to me a certain way of considering the question of what sort of beings aliens are. And this frequently reminds me of the memorandum I wrote for my last theatrical production "Love Songs," a humanless production featuring only plants. 

『LOVE SONGS』演出ノート|7
『LOVE SONGS』dramaturgy memorandum |7
A woman was crossing the street with her head down and leading a dog on a leash. The dog, which appeared to be injured, was dragging its leg, but the woman, who might have been looking at her smartphone, paid no attention to the dog and kept walking at her own pace. The difference in the woman’s pace and that of the dog became apparent in the tension in the leash, the collar of which was impinging on its neck. Just after she crossed the street, she walked a few steps and stopped, keeping her eyes on her feet and paying no heed to her dog. She didn't have her smartphone in her hand. She looked serious. Her dog also stopped next to her and licked itself. The lady and the dog were in different times, and the taut leash loosened.

『LOVE SONGS』演出ノート|9
『LOVE SONGS』dramaturgy memorandum |9
When "I" am asleep, "I" cannot feel time. However, when "I" am asleep, "You" are awake. "You" can feel the time which "I" cannot feel when "I" am asleep. When "I" sleep, "You" experience time on my behalf. When "I" sleep, "I" hand over the experience of time to you. Then, while "You" sleep, "You" hand it over to me. This relationship occurs within a time that does not perceive "I" and "You."  This unrelatedness. This unrelatedness  connects the "You" and "I" that cannot be connected.

『LOVE SONGS』演出ノート|10
『LOVE SONGS』dramaturgy memorandum |10
At last, love songs are sung.

The audience seats for this theatrical production are free-standing seats with backrests tilted 18 degrees away from a right angle. This leaves me no way of changing the positions from which I look at them, which also means that I will overlook something. However, that which "I" have overlooked will be looked at by someone else. It seems to me that there is here a mutually complementary relationship of "handing over" experience to each other. The process of understanding this frail relationship which exists in circumstances where we cannot face each other, is for me who exists among the circumstances of the world now, also a proposition to reflect upon.



演出家。1982年福井生まれ。70歳以上の伊丹の高齢者たちと制作した『DRAMATHOLOGY/ドラマソロジー』(2009年)で鮮烈なデビューを果たし、その後も様々なコミュニティに入り込みながら、見るという身体的経験を問い直す上演を続ける。14年にダンサーの佐藤健大郎との共同制作による『ナビゲーションズ』を発表、各地で再演を重ねる。19年に植物による無人劇『LOVE SONGS』をCIRCULATION KYOTOにて発表。
ダンサー。近年はNora Chipaumire『父のような自画像』『祈り』出演。Christian Merlihot監督映画『Slow Life』に主演。相模友士郎との共同制作『ナビゲーションズ』、Luis Garay『不可能な場所』、akakilike『家族写真』、アンサンブル ゾネ『緑のテーブル2017』に出演。


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